Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Down Here In No Mans Land

I have now been down here at school for two weeks. I'm still not totally adjusted to living away from home but it is getting better. Classes are going good. I'm not making this semester hard on me, which is good because that means I won't get too stressed. My roommates are all very nice and we have been hanging out quite a bit and getting comfortable with each other. My first weekend I went home. It was nice because even though I was only away for a few days it made me feel comfortable and gave me some strength to be able to come back for two weeks before I go home again for Labor Day weekend.

This past weekend though we all stayed here and hung out as roommates. Which brings me to the title of this post. There is seriously almost nothing to do down here. There is only like one movie theater and I think it only has like two screens. And they aren't playing any movies that interest any of us. So, Friday night we walked to the Malt Shop for dinner and got a movie to watch from Redbox. One of my roommates had never made cookies from scratch, so using my amazing cookie cooking skills, I taught her how to make some. They were delicious! Saturday we all kind of slept in and did some homework. When Saturday night rolled around what else do you do down here besides go to a County Fair? So we drove to Manti and enjoyed all the lovely smelly farm animals there. We came home and watched another movie and made a cake in honor of Michael Jackson's birthday. Weird for me to celebrate that I know, but I got cake out of it. :)Last night we had an opening Ward Social and made some welcome signs.

Pictures are still coming, I need to get them from Erin and put mine still on the computer at home. Hopefully I will get some on here this weekend when I go home. Nothing else really exciting has happened down here in no mans land...

1 comment:

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

Annie! That sounds like fun! You really are lucky that you get to go home whenever you want. I only got to go home 2 times a year!