Thursday, January 5, 2012

The End of Another Year

Wow; a whole month has flown by since my last post. December was packed full of things happening; both good and bad.

-I survived my first semester at BYU, and actually did alright.

-My family and I had to make an unexpected trip to Seattle the week before Christmas to attend my Grandpa's funeral (a cough that he had turned out to be a lung disease, and after a week in the hospital he passed away. But we're making it through).

-Brandon and Diana surprised the family and showed up for Christmas.

-Grandma Horne fell on Christmas Eve and broke her hip. So we spent some time visiting her in the hospital; and now in a physical therapy rehab center up in Bountiful.

-I spent New Year's Eve with Nicole, Jeffery, Kate, and some friends.

-I spend lots of time in Bountiful with a handful of my favorite people ;). (Kate is so adorable and we are discovering that she has such a fun personality. While in Seattle she began talking to herself, all the time, its awesome. I love her.)

-Did some wedding luncheon fun with Marcus and Janalyn.

-Work, work, and more work.

-And I have now begun Winter semester; so I might disappear from the world again...

But for pure enjoyment, pictures from this past month:

This pretty much sums up exactly how we are at 6 o'clock in the morning; the missionaries are still surprised we are this awake...

The fantastic quilt that I made Kate for Christmas. (Ignore the bad quality of the picture; it is from my old phone)

Merry Christmas to you from baby Kate.

She began holding on to her toys.

Kate learned how to drive on her way to Seattle?

Kate did awesome for the car ride. Towards the end she started getting a little fussy; we discovered that the TV calms her down, hmmm.

My old stomping grounds. Good old Everett.

Dad with all his girls.

I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause.

Kate got a visit from Santa.

Her face is priceless.

Smiley girl.

Growing up way too fast.


Happy New Year to all!

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