Thursday, May 29, 2008

End of School!

School ended yesterday! Wahoo! I can finally say that I am a senior. Weird, but extremely cool! It is now time to relax, enjoy the time away from school work, and enjoy life!
Erin, Mr. Larsen, and I. Choir was so much fun this year! He says hello Nicole.
Erin, Erin, and I. :) We love Erin McGibbon! ASL was just amazing this year, and she is the best teacher ever!

Last night to celebrate the end of school all my friends and I went over to Megan's house and watched Batman Begins and just played around. Then we went to Kaal's house for a fire and just talked. It felt so good to think that we didn't have to go back to school in the morning!

This morning Casey, Michelle, and I went and babysat the cutest kids while there was a Book of Mormon class.
Casey and Michelle on the little slide thingy.
This is Finn. He and his family moved here not too long ago from Australia, he is the cutest ever!
Finn and Casey.
Michelle and Cindy.
Casey went out the window and started playing peak-a-boo with the kids.
Michelle, Eliza, and Cindy.
Eliza, Finn, and Jacob.

The kids were so cute and good the entire time!


Erin said...

Yippee!!! We are done!

I can't believe how fast this year flew by!! It was a great year!

Thank you for all you help 7th period. You are an AMAZING T.A. Next year will be a blast!

Have a great summer!

Nicole said...

Yea! You are a senior! Can you believe it? I can't! You are SO old!! love ya!

Nicole said...

That would be way fun! Maybe you can even come as a nanny!! haha I'm sure you'll be caught up by then! GUESS WHAT!!! I just got the first chapter of Breaking Dawn from a friend...time to read!