Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tagged: 6 Unimportant Things

I was tagged by my lovely sister Nicole...Thanks a lot! Haha, here goes nothing...

Tag rules:
1. You link back to the person who tagged you.
2. post these rules on your blog.
3. share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. tag six random people at the end of your entry
5. let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.
6. enjoy the results.

Drum Roll Please............

1. Normally if I am thinking about something before I fall asleep I end up dreaming about that thought.

2. Erin and I have 2 episodes left of the TV series, Wildfire, that we have been watching.

3. The less sleep I get the more hyper I am in the morning...but then the fact that I didn't get sleep catches up with me later.

4. No matter how many times I read one of my favorite books (Twilight or Harry Potter series) I am always entertained and so into the book.

5. I am such a clean freak...I don't think my room has been left dirty since I was like 5.

6. I don't cry in any of the cute romance movies like everyone else I know does...
I tag... Erin, Aubry, & Mom. Good luck!


Nicole said...

Very nice..thanks for finally updating! Erin and mom need to do better!

Nicole said...

yes..even as an eagle scout. I think they teach them to rub some dirt in it and call it good, instead of cleaning a wound and going to the doctor when it is deep enough for stitches!